Latest Award Winners

Photos: Neus Gil Cortez by Ross Willows (2016) (left); Laura Jones (2014) (right)
2024 – 2025 Main Awards
Romany Dear
Romany is a freelance dancer and performer and Inclusive dance teacher. This project will see Romany travel to La Paz, in Bolivia to participate in “Aran-du: International Encounter of Live Arts”: A four-week intensive program of movement workshops, somatic trainings and performative laboratories that have been curated, and structured from an Indigenous, Latin American perspective: understanding and working with and from “the collective body”.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £1591.00
Aniela Piasecka
Aniela is a freelance dance artist. This project includes collaboration with Nora-Swantje Almes around dance, live practice and visual arts contexts, queerness as methodology, and audience cultivation at Performing Arts Forum, Saint-Erme France. Together, they will engage in mutual professional development to work with and consider access and disability-led social politics, open-source radical structures, and European dance networks. Read more.
Gabrielle Moleta
Gabrielle is a Movement Director and Tutor. This project includes a week-long research residency project in Oslo, Norway, exploring how specific animal movement techniques can combine with text to create threads of new environmental movement stories. Gabrielle and collaborators will work with different techniques in animal transformation and document our new, shared discoveries. Read more.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £423.00
Lois Taylor
Lois is an artist, maker and facilitator whose work focuses on the transformative power of dance to positively change lives. Through this project Lois is seeking enrichment and inspiration. Lois will connect with dance artists in Reykjavik, Iceland, who also work and live in a rural landscape surrounded by sea. Lois will enrich her own physical practice, find new inspirations, learn how local dancers find and sustain theirs, and make connections for a new project. Read more.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £373.00
Liam Francis
Liam is a freelance Choreographer and Dancer. Liam’s developing your creative practice (DYCP) project funds an intense period of study with Jill Johnson & the Forsythe Company. LUTSF support will enable this to occur in-person (Los Angeles, USA). Enhancing Liam’s knowledge of Forsythe’s methodologies,will enable this egalitarian approach to movement to permeate multiple layers of the dance ecology that Liam engages with; students, professionals & audiences.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £858.00
Jennifer Jackson
Jennifer is an independent choreographer, dancer, writer, and teacher. By interviewing original cast members and consulting archive material in San Francisco, this project researches a lost work The Lady of Shalott (1958). Choreographed by Lew Christensen for San Francisco Ballet with staging by Hollywood designer Tony Duquette, it is the last of British composer Arthur Bliss’s four ballets. Read more.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £822.00
Maryam Shakiba
Studying choreographic and pedagogical processes under current leading odissi artists in India, to inform Maryam’s choreographic development and facilitation skills grounded in the odissi form. Maryam will share their findings with other professional South Asian dance artists in the UK to upskill the sector.
The scholarship awarded is for up to £1414.00