Report Writing Guidelines
These guidelines have been written in response to requests from Awardees for information about what form the Report should take. Each Awardee is required to submit a Report within ONE MONTH of their return, describing how the Scholarship has been of value. You are requested to submit your Report on time, and to aim to provide an attractive and interesting account of your experiences and how the scholarship has benefitted your personal development and professional practice. Please include acknowledgment of LUTSF and any other supporting funders.
Purpose of the Report
Reports serve several purposes. Firstly, writing a report requires you to reflect on the experiences of your study trip and you may find that this process is beneficial. Secondly, LUTSF draws on Awardees’ Reports to help publicise the Fund. Thirdly, reports are significant to the future of the Fund as they can be used by LUTSF in support of funding applications. Fourth, the Report is required in order to account for the Scholarship you have received.
The Report should include
• Title, dates, place, timescale of project/conference etc
• How far the purpose of your project was achieved
• Notes about any particular highlights in your travels
• Suggestions which could help future Awardees
• Plans to share information about your project with others
• A description of your project, reflection on the impact of your journey on you both personally and professionally, any outcomes, conclusions or recommendations which you are able to indicate.
• LUTSF recommends a 2 page report. PLEASE INCLUDE photos, video or other material as appropriate to your project.
Please note
- You will be contacted shortly after the return from your trip
- Your report must be submitted as a Word file and emailed to
- Your Report and photographs published online in the next batch of reports which we add semi-regularly, after checking that all guidelines have been met.
- If you have video which you would like to share, please let the Reports Secretary know.
Publicity and social media
Since July 2003 LUTSF has published all reports on the website. LUTSF assumes that copyright of accompanying photos and video belongs to the report author and may be used on the LUTSF website and in other LUTSF publicity unless otherwise indicated. Whenever possible, please include two high resolution images as .jpg files which might be used in print format publicity. When sharing images and impressions about your project on social media, please mention and tag LUTSF. We use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.