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Nefeli Tsiouti

Nefeli Tsiouti


In 2014 I received a LUTSF award to travel to New York to observe the teaching methodologies of pioneers of hip-hop dance styles.

As the director of Project Breakalign, a prevention of injuries research project for dancers, I was intrigued to observe the classes of the pioneers to investigate their use of safe dance principles while they teach.

The Scholarship was the ignition for many more fellowships and residencies in the UK and abroad.

Nefeli Tsiouti

The Scholarship was the ignition for many more fellowships and residencies in the UK and abroad. In May 2015 my Project Breakalign was awarded a big grant from the CND (Centre National de la Danse) in France, to create the ‘Breakalign Method’. This was the vision I had when visiting NY with LUTSF; to create, through an holistic approach, the fundamentals for a conditioning methodology for dancers that would reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.

Later in 2015 I was awarded a partial scholarship by Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance to complete an MSc in Dance Science. In 2016 I completed a ‘Project Breakalign World Tour’, where I taught workshops, gave lectures, scientific presentations and manual therapy treatments in breaking (dance) camps, at Conferences such as IADMS (International Association for Dance Medicine & Science) in Hong Kong and events across Europe, South, Central and North America.

Today, I am on the Board of Directors of Healthy Dancer Canada, the United Breakin’ Association, Associate Researcher at the Cyprus Musculoskeletal and Sports Trauma Research Centre and the Director of Project Breakalign.


Photo credit: Kien Quan Photography